Rainy Days 🌧️🌧️

I don't do well with the rain.

It is a challenge for me to be motivated to do anything when it looks so miserable and gloomy outside.

It was never a huge issue for me living in Toronto, Canada. Sure, it rained a bit and was stormy but that was not a regular occurrence. I could hide away for a couple days a year and stay indoors but at least in the winter

Can't do that anymore.

I live in Vancouver, British Columbia now.

Where it rains a ton.

Like.....a ton a ton.

People here are somehow able to continue their lives despite the rain.

Hiking in the rain.

Running in the rain.

Biking in the rain.

But I think the lesson I'm learning is that rain won't kill you.

It has taken me 5+ years to come to that learning but there are things in the world that may cause you to stumble, may cause you to falter, may detract you from your goals but you must persevere regardless.

It is in that understanding that progress is progress regardless of how significant or immense that teaches you the importance of consistency.

You might not always have sunny blue skies.

You might not have the stars align for you into some perfect scenario.

Things might not go exactly according to plan.

And that's okay.

Sometimes, rainy days are great and can produce magical moments if you're open to experiencing them or embracing them.

I think this post is more a reminder for myself to keep pushing, trying, and exploring the things that interest me even though they might be a struggle, might be challenging to coordinate or might be difficult to complete when there are obstacles or barriers in the way.

But the people who persevere and triumph over these situations and struggles are also the ones who truly don't allow excuses to exist. They make it work regardless. And sometimes that can be the creative edge, or nuance in their production that others don't have.

Seeing the positive outlook and engagement this man has in his passion despite the weather or in fact because of the weather is amazing and inspiring.

You can't get those dynamic, exciting or moody photos in the sun and it took someone to accept, embrace and even look forward to rainy days to explore that side of existence.

And maybe that would make me a better, more well-rounded person.

To embrace, accept, and be open to experiences that aren't ideal (in my personal opinion of good and bad).

Imagine hating hiking because you get sweaty, there are mosquitoes, it can be exhausting and it takes too long.

If you weren't open to embracing those things, you would never experience the majesty of the landscape, the endorphins from exercise or the appreciation for the world you live in.

So, maybe it's worth it to try.

In the case of rainy days, a waterproof jacket and maybe some waterproof pants will help me get over my fears.

So...Black Friday is coming up soon…hmu🤞😬


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