Negativity Always Works 100% of the Time

There's something inspiring about those that overcome tragedy and heartache that is worth exploring. Their ability to persevere despite the challenges, grow despite the setbacks and dissociate themselves from the negativity that can cripple and define others' existence reminds us of the capacity for humans to manifest their own thoughts and perceptions.

The ability for a human being to manifest what they wish to see is truly the unlock to the world.

With a focus on an internal locus of control, this mindset ultimately empowers you to accomplish.

Life happens to all of us. Russell Wilson reminds us that it happens to everyone. You can't stop it from happening. You can't necessarily predict how it will happen but certainly there will be events that do not end in your favour.

You can live in the moment and focus on what needs to happen today. You can't prevent what happened yesterday. You can't worry about the things you did or didn't do before. You can only respond to the present and control how it affects you physically, emotionally and mentally now.

For me, it means that I can't worry about how unproductive I was yesterday. How I didn't accomplish all my to-do's on my list.

How I should've been better or predicted that bad outcome or prepared better when I had the chance. Those regrets are now no longer within my control.

I can only move one foot in front of the next to keep walking.

So for me, I can't worry about the photos I didn't take yesterday while the lighting conditions were good or think about all the time I wasted resting after work instead of writing my next blogpost. All I can do is focus on the blogpost I'm writing right now and making it the best blogpost I can.

Now I know I am blessed. I haven't experienced the tragedy or pressures of a professional sports player. I haven't had anyone in my immediate family pass away. I have a stable job, worked throughout the COVID pandemic and have love and friendship in my life. All of these things can be taken away from me in the blink of an eye. And so, all I can do is take one step at a time, enjoy the process, appreciate the moment and continue what I want to do in life.

I think it's a powerful thought to recognize negativity works 100% of the time.

If you accept negativity, it is super effective.

So, it will work against you if you allow it to. Hence, why it is important to have a game plan, focus on today, focus on what you can do one step at a time, and execute on those small things.

Because the overwhelming fact of life is negativity will happen, bad things happen in life, and how you react to them and push past them IS the variable.


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