Imperfectly Complete is Better Than Not Done.

There is never going to be a perfect time

There will never be a perfect time to start.

I’m currently writing this while sitting in the car while my wife attends a quick appointment. I’ve got about 30 minutes of time before we go continue on with our lives.

It isn’t a perfect time to whip out my laptop to start typing away. It’s actually far from it.

Ideally, this blogpost would’ve been written over the course of several days, ample time for reviews and revisions, edits, a clear outline and all the rest, but life happens and things don’t always come out the way we plan.

But imperfectly complete is better than not done.

I have to remind myself of that pretty regularly.

Imperfectly complete is better than not done. Better than a perfect vision with no real world existence.

I’ve certainly gotten better at sharing myself and my ideas publicly but there’s always a nagging fear, a vulnerability, a risk for judgment. That’s why I’m 100x more likely to comfortably share my posts with strangers over friends and family.

With social media, the pervasiveness of the internet in society and the ease of access, our entire existence can be publicized. Every mistake, misspoken word, ignorant idea can be pulled back into relevance and you are held accountable for all of it no matter how much you’ve changed, how much you’ve learned and so forth.

I think there’s a daunting weight to that knowledge which certainly plays a part in the procrastinatory nature of talking yourself out of publicizing imperfect content, but the wheel keeps turning, time keeps moving, and ultimately…

Imperfectly complete is better than not done.

So just start.

I’ve said this many times on many blog posts before but it’s a recurring theme that I find for myself and my personal situation. Just gotta keep going.


The Happiness of Excellence


Transient Passions, Pleasures and Interests