Gratitude & Perspective.


Sometimes, life gets tough and there’s so much to do but so little time. You know it’s important, you know you want to do it, but all you want to do is rest, is to lounge, is to relax.

The problem is that sometimes things must take precedence over relaxing and rest.

There are many such examples that require your attention. They can be personal, professional, emotional, physical and even mental needs. There are enough things in world that demand our attention that it is not uncommon to need a plan for such an occasion.

A plan, an expectation, a habit, or a personal protocol to address this concern

Sometimes, recognizing the lifestyle and designed life you aspire for is enough for you to structurer your day to day schedule.

But sometimes, life gets challenging and all you want to do is rest.

Let’s say you have a child. You are exhausted from work but when you arrive at home, you have a child to raise and care for. Your partner is at home with your child but obviously needs their own time to rest as well.

Your child is more important to you than rest.

How do you muster the energy to spend with your loved ones?


The answer is gratitude and perspective.

These two mindset unlocks can allow you to transcend what you think you can accomplish in a day. And I think it’s extremely important to recognize that you can push past your perceived limits, particularly when it comes to things that you prioritize in your life like your family and your ambition.

When I think about the combination of Gratitude and Perspective, energy feels abundant. These two foundational mindset cornerstones are immensely vital because they grant you an understanding of your life and your situation relative to others in the world. Now, normally, comparing yourself to others is often a recipe for disaster. You don’t know all the facets of another person’s life and they don’t know yours.

However, the one thing you do know is the abundance and opportunity in your own life. By recognizing the privileged position I am in and the available opportunity in my life living in 2023, it is impossible to disregard how abundant my life and the world has become.

Whenever I feel frustrated, upset by the unfairness of life, become envious of another’s circumstance, and wish for more, perspective and gratitude always give me the perspective to appreciate and embrace my life circumstance.

Whenever I feel tired, exhausted from work, too lazy to clean up or continue my own personal projects, perspective and gratitude give me the perspective to appreciate the opportunity I have. I have the financial backing to support my pursuit of personal projects. I don’t need to do a significant amount of manual labour during my day job that physically limits my after-work pursuits. We have electricity in the modern era to continue to work after the sun sets. We have the internet to allow global connectedness and open markets beyond my physical vicinity.

These realizations, although neither revolutionary nor unique, reflect a simple truth about the resilience of the human spirit and the ability to push beyond our perceived limitations.

For me, a simple reminder of all the lucky circumstances of my existence is helpful.

Physical Circumstance

My physical health is pretty good. I have all 4 limbs. I have 2 working eyes. I have 2 working ears. I have no obvious or apparent physical ailments or diseases impacting my ability to functionally interact with my environment. I don’t have to battle vertigo, migraines, scoliosis. I don’t have any broken bones. My hand-eye coordination is pretty good. I have the physical capacity to pursue personal and professional interests.

Location Circumstance

Firstly, I was born and raised In Canada. I’ve had the luxury of living a life in a first world country. I wasn’t born in a war-torn country, I have access to fresh and clean water, I already live in one of the world’s wealthiest countries. I have a place of warmth and shelter.

My location also dictates that I speak English, the international lingua franca for business and one of the most prevalent languages in the world. There is an abundance of English-speaking individuals globally so I have the luck to be able to communicate fairly easily with a large portion of the world.

Mental Circumstance

My mental health is good. I have no obvious mental health concerns that debilitate me or impact my thinking negatively. I have good routines and supports in place to monitor myself regularly and address any mental health challenges.

Financial Circumstance

I am fortunate to live comfortably in my city. I can afford nice-to-have’s such as nice clothing, the occasional dinner out, and the random purchase of a hobby or interest of mine, while simultaneously having enough money for my basic living needs such as accommodations, food, and transportation. I can afford to travel for leisure and I have traveled to several countries in my lifetime.

I live well off enough to have a private space for myself and my spouse.

Now in Vancouver, Canada, real estate and space is always a point of debate and discussion. However, perspective again is important. Relative to Hong Kong, space in Vancouver is great! Perspective lets me have that view. I’m not arguing that it’s not tough, but always recognizing that it could be worse! It allows me the mental space to focus on what I can control and what I cannot. It refocuses my mind to pursuing the things that give me energy and that I prioritize rather than spiralling and doomscrolling on all the things I cannot currently control.

It Can Always Be Worse.

Now, I know I have to be optimistic but I do appreciate a realistic and grounded view on my life. What that affords me is an understanding that it can always be worse, that there are always additional obstacles that I could face or could have needed to overcome.

There are many less fortunate individuals who live far more challenging lives. Whether it’s a single-parent household, a child living in poverty, being born into a less democratic environment, these would all shape my outlook on the world in drastic ways.

This is why perspective manners so much for energizing and being a motivator for your actions in this lifetime.

It’s important to recognize and continue to recognize the privilege that existing this life brings. In my eyes, the only way to not squander this opportunity is to make the most of it to the best of my ability.

Recognizing that a huge portion of my life direction and life circumstance is in part due to luck.

Your genetics, your location of birth, the family you were born into, your IQ, your family’s financial situation during your childhood which accounted for your access to opportunities - none of that is something you had particular control over and was 100% not within your control .

So The Next Time You Have Something You Want To Do But Feel Like You Cannot Muster The Energy, Call Upon Gratitude and Perspective.

Recognize your circumstance and seek gratitude and perspective when you struggle to find the strength in yourself to persevere. Think about all the amazing and wonderfully positive things that have led you to this moment. Think about the additional challenges or difficulties that could exist in your life that you are so lucky to not have to deal with. Think about all the potential people that would look enviously at your position.

These things keep me hungry for more. Appreciative of what I have and what I aspire for. And they provide me the energy to pursue it wholeheartedly.


Clarity In Direction
