Blog Challenge - Day 0

Picking a Schedule

Schedules are important for multiple reasons. They hold one accountable for consistent generation, they force deadlines and they provide structure and expectation.

I won’t overthink it and try to generate a list of pros or cons to build some innate advantage for myself against my own pursuit for productivity and just agree to a weekly posting schedule.

I, Kristopher Wan, agree to the following:

  • I will post a blogpost once a week (at least)

  • I will post this blog at 1300 on Sundays. I won’t feel rushed on a weekday if I’m busy and worse comes to worse, I’ll have a weekend day to generate content if absolutely necessary.

  • I will write 500 words every other day to maintain regular consistency in my writing. If I want to write more than that, then great but at least that much is important for development.

Goals for this Blog

Why would it be interesting for you as an audience to read my blog? I tend to have interesting or perhaps atypical thoughts when compard with colleagues and friends. I wouldn’t say my thoughts are radical but my thoughts certainly venture into the unique realm sometimes.

From a introspective perspective, I want to facilitate a journey of self-discovery.

From a personal perspective, I want to generate a compendium for myself of my life, what I thought at the time and monitor my own writing as well as thinking to reflect in hindsight.

From a professional perspective, I want to be able to share my thoughts and have my thoughts share a consultative, professional weight similar to a speaking gig.

From a creative perspective, I want to systematically inject extrinsic motivation into regular creative work. I feel like I oftentimes schoose the safe route, choosing safe, conservative life choices. Ultimately, they have afforded me comfort and safety but I think to encourage growth, I need to ensure I take more vulnerable stances. That builds in authenticity, stronger resonance with others who may share my perspective and builds my confidence in my perspective and opinions.

From a confidence perspective, I need to put my ideas into the world to begin to be comfortable with them existing in the world. Many times I am in shock and awe about how people have the audacity to communicate their thoughts, many times without what I would label as careful or critical thinking. My pessimistic and realist voice tells me all the reasons why something is bad, not worth sharing, stupid, or a waste of time…I need to become more confident in myself and what I think and remember it is my thoughts and my opinions. I am allowed to have them no matter what and even if they don;’t necessarily align with others, they are still valid in their existence.


Blog Challenge - Day 1 (Part 1)


Learning How to Blog