You Can’t Optimize What You Aren’t Doing

Now what do I mean by that?

For me, it’s in the form of one of my hobbies - woodworking.

I’m new to woodworking but now spend a bit time watching youtube videos, reading books and thinking about woodworking.

I want to figure out the best way to do woodworking in a small apartment, do all the research for necessary versus unnecessary tools and all the rest.

And only recently, did I start a woodworking project I had read about and wanted to do several months ago.

And it dawned on me that I was thinking and theorizing for so long without actually doing any woodworking.

You cannot optimize what you aren’t doing.

You cannot be more efficient, save time, learn more effectively, or anything else, if you aren’t actually doing the task you are wanting to do.

You can only optimize once you are actually completing the task.

In hindsight, that makes absolute sense, but this is just a reminder to myself and to anyone out there that you can’t sweat the details or the process if you aren’t even doing the action.

You can’t think about video editing and adobe premiere pro skills if you aren’t filming footage.

You can’t efficiently think about lighting, color tones, camera angles, ISO, aperture, and shutter speed if you aren’t taking photos.

You can’t think about gaining skills in muscle ups, planches, L-sits, and all the rest, if you aren’t exercising or trying them.

(if you happen to notice these are oddly specific skills and interests, these are my particular interests haha)

So your best plan of attack is to simply do. Act. Do the thing you want to do. Don’t think about the best way yet.

Just Do It.

The rest will come in due time.

It may come sooner or it may come later.

It’ll only come though if you are doing the thing.

It won’t come if you stop doing the thing and focus all your time and thinking about the thing though.


Just Do It.

No wonder Nike’s slogan resonates with such a hustle, grind, action mindset.


Productivity Is Not a Requirement


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