Week 4: Netflix Yoga

Now, not the greatest timing for content, cause Netflix has decided to do battle with shared accounts but over the last week, I’ve been completing the Netflix Nike Yoga routines regularly.

I would not consider myself a yoga person and with the exception of doing them with my wife sometimes when she does them, I haven’t really done it myself.

Surprisingly it helpful in getting me up and exercising either before or after dinner.

Not exactly a rigorous or exhausting routine but a good blood mover and with the Netflix platform seamlessly playing and transitioning to the next episode or bookmarking the content for easier review, it served as a nice habit trigger whenever I wanted to sit on the couch and watch mindless TV.

Instead, I saw the Nike Yoga logo and as soon as I start hovering over the content, it starts playing.

As Netflix needs to reinvent or produce more content worthy of subscribing to as more and more streaming services are available, curated high quality content will determine who survives.

YouTube currently has a plethora of options but the issue is there’s no curation of what is created by a high quality person versus a low quality person. You have some measures of video plays, top performing content creators and subscriptions that help filter that out for you but Netflix looks to be a new player in that space.

From a trying something new perspective, yoga was never an interest for me. But I can see it as a low-impact starting point when feeling lazy for an easy beginner win. That way, I’m warm enough and mobile enough to then stack on more exercise afterwards.

I actually like the access to exercise content on Netflix because it’s a constant reminder of something more productive and personally-beneficial amidst the content that would simply keep me laying on my couch.

The yoga teachers were fine - a little too metaphorical at times for me personally but otherwise good. The pacing was good even though I didn’t always know what I was doing but definitely preferred over something that was slower paced that would sacrifice flow or continuity of the actions.

If I do decide to keep Netflix, the yoga piece will be a good intro exercise whenever I do exercise at home rather than the gym.


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