Tiktok - Should I Try It

As a millennial, I have a pre-digital life and pocket computer and post-digital life and pocket computer life.

I know what it is like to have dial up, to walk around without a rectangular bulge in my pant pocket.

I didn’t grow up wanting to be a streamer, YouTuber or influencer.

My first instinct is not to whip out my phone and record myself.


I recognize and acknowledge the existence of social media, the power of social media, and the role that a following can have on your brand, on your business’ public facing persona and the impact on marketing.

And, a presence on social media is a part of that.

And I’m terrified.

It’s certainly an aspect of business that I never imagined myself in. But part of business is advertising and marketing and the most effective means to that is having a social media presence.

So, there’s that. And I think I need to accept and embrace trying to post on Tiktok.

Scrolling through social media myself for personal interest, there’s always a wide range of content. You’ve got a couple of staple types of content:

  • interesting but random content - think the random but captivating stuff, usually skils and talents that you’d never think to consider learning but recognize exist

  • adorable content - the cat/dog content, the random cartoon cutesy stuff

  • shocking or divisive content - the political or hard stance stuff

  • educational content - you learn something.

  • entertaining content - the funny, the charming, the interactive interviewer stuff

  • attractive people - guys and girls who model, look good, or do something attractive like fitness

Accounts that do well online seem to hit a couple of these staples at once. They offer two or three things really well.

Whether that’s:

  • educational and entertaining - like learning the physics behind juggling

  • shocking and interesting - like watching chiropractors crack a back before claiming a miracle

  • attractive people and educational content - like those fitness exercises that blend skill and education on targeting muscle groups

For me, I want to create content that is educational and interesting +/- entertaining.

I want to create snippets of information that are meaningful, can be evaluated quickly and implemented quickly. I want to create content that is told in an interesting way.

So let’s analyze some content creators I’m interested in and break down exactly why I like them so I can understand some formulaic framework for reproducing the type of content I like:

@b_turner50 - Brett


  1. His content is tech-y and typically revolves around home automation. It’s not super technical or doesn’t have to be and it’s in an area that can be implemented in a relatable setting - the home.

  2. His content typically falls into short but educational snippets. There’s something that can be extracted and implemented into my own life. Whether that’s a type of thinking, a ‘what if’ possibility for products and services that would easily integrate into my own life. Additionally, although some things seem to be offered in quick snippets, despite them potentially being longer projects, we don’t hear about the testing, the troubleshooting, the rest. Just the final product, which in itself, offers a sense of satisfaction and finality.

  3. He seems fairly level headed. He has a logical explanation for why he makes his choices and recommendations (whether that be his preference for Apple Home Kit or use of NFC tags with the Apple Ecosystem).

Although some of his content applicability is behind a monetary barrier, whether it’s purchasing some radar tech, 3D printing, or whatever else, it’s something that is achievable if I can stomach some costs. I’d qualify his content as interesting and entertaining with a mix of educational. I don’t learn specific skills, but I can see example use cases. I may not personally find those use cases as applicable to my lifestyle but they dabble into the realm of possible interest.

@DearModern - Feng Shui Guy

Another entertaining and educational creator is the Feng Shui Guy - Cliff Tan


His content is typically response to direct questions and videos asking for his assistance. People tag him in their videos requesting interior design recommendations, typically because of awkward home layouts. He quickly communicates information in an engaging and matter of fact way in small snippets.

  1. His communication style is very ‘let me tell you something’. We’ll do this. We’ll avoid this. There’s a decisiveness in his directness that ultimately makes things clearly communicated. There isn’t a need to justify his credentials because people seek him out already.

  2. It’s engaging and quick. There’s pace to his videos that keeps you moving quick. Even his narration is quick. I’d say the pace of his speech keeps you on your toes until the end catch phrase “So now you know!”.

  3. There’s a learning moment. If you consumed his content frequently, you can predict and know his recommendations because he’s consistent in his responses. You learn something in the span of a couple seconds that you can then implement in your own living situation.


Finally, there’s Hybrid Calisthenics.


The content is good, it doesn’t get overly bogged down in aesthetics, and it has a gentle, patient, and encouraging tone. There’s no real sense of urgency, there’s a friendly and patient tone to his communication style, and he offers several steps to build to the final skill development.

  1. It’s a refreshing take on exercise that isn’t about aesthetics. He’s not trying to flex or pose. He’s not trying to show how muscular he is. He’s not in some gym in front of a mirror with the latest equipment or anything. He’s on his deck using old furniture, a tree, some gymnastiics rings, and simply trying to help.

  2. There’s a focus on encouraging and building up people at whatever level they are at. Yes, he can do some very difficult and powerful moves but I feel like the feeling is less about showing off what he can do and more about encouraging you as the viewer to accomplish what you can do.

So What Do I Want? What Kind Of Content Can I Crreate?

I want to have a clear, calm, and direct communication style.

I want to offer short snippets of information to people about topics interesting to me.

With my business content, I want my content to be interesting and educational. I want to focus on communicating effectively and clearly, whether that’s body language, tone of voice, or pronunciation.

I want to offer help to people. To share my expertise in a topic and hopefully make some well-timed comment that allows people to learn or unlock something in their comprehension.

I will achieve this by providing clear, quick commentary - nothing rambling or long-winded.

I should be able to boil down my take-away into something simple and short.

I should be able to meet people where they are at in their communication, providing levels of skill development that build towards the intended overall goal.

With my personal content, I wish to document my growth in areas of interests. I’m less so interested in showing people a better way or anything, but I wish to use it as a means of expression for myself as well as a way to display interesting content. For me, I think that would be via my interest in videography/photography, my desire to try new things, and my interest in learning how to story-tell.

I will achieve this, not necessarily through commentary, but via good story-telling techniques.

I should be able to pick a technique or a skill, and story-tell my implementation or growth in it - what I’ve learned, why I learned it, and what I can use it for.

I’m hoping that by posting this monologue for myself online, it will spur me into action. I’ve posted that I’ll consider these things. I’ve said that I want to try to make that shift. Maybe this will get me over my millenial apprehension and get over myself and my worries.


Exploit Yourself For Yourself.


Happy Chinese New Year 2024