The Tomato Timer - Pomodoro Technique

It’s a pretty popular productivity technique so you’re probably already familiar with it, but let’s talk about it.

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that has gained popularity in recent years.

This technique, which was developed by Francesco Cirillo, involves breaking down work into 25-minute intervals, known as "pomodoros."

The Pomodoro Technique can help to increase productivity and focus by breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.

By having 25-minute intervals, the technique attempts to compartmentalize chunks of efficiency into bite-sized pieces.

Bite-sized pieces means reduced durations of intense focus.

Reduced durations of intense focus means more manageable periods of time of reduced distraction and sustained attention.

Bite-sized pieces also means more realistic expectations and timelines for accomplishing targets.

Bite-sized pieces also means providing you a structure to prioritize because you have to determine how many pomodoro are expected per task and what pomodoro to target first.

The more regularly you use the pomodoro technique the more accurate it becomes as a tool for estimating time requirements for tasks and more powerful it gets as you enter periods of deep focus more quickly.

You also become more accustomed and trusting of the system so you can more reliably adhere to strict 25-minute blocks and allow yourself to take breaks guilt-free because you know they are beneficial and won’t devolve into hours of lost time.

If you haven’t tried out the pomodoro technique before, there are tons of apps available for you to try. In its most basic form, it is a simple 25- minute timer with 5 minute breaks, with a longer break after 3-4 pomodoros. It is effective in its simplicity but powerful for its productivity.


Week 2: Begleri


Week 1 - Trying Something New: Ikea Charger Hack