The Library’s Where It’s At.

I love the library.

The library is awesome.

But let’s be clear. I have no kids. I take zero from their community outreach programs, zero from their programming, workshops, story times, creative residencies.

I am done school. I’ve been done school for 10 years now.

But the library is a special space of knowledge and information.

You feel studious.

There’s high ceilings. Monstrously large tables. Big windows for sunshine.

It’s fairly quiet with the slight bustling of chairs, paper, pens, and adjustment of butt position on a chair.

But there’s a sense of learning, of focus, of time invested into something of interest.

I remember when the internet was not as trusted or accepted as a primary source of information. Where, you couldn’t reference Wikipedia or a website, and books were the primary trusted source.

You needed to go to a reference library or search through a book for an idea, a theme, a fact, or a quote.

And I think in the process of technological advancement, we’ve lost that process of enjoying the library.

The reverence for the hallowed halls that were once community staples.

I also feel like we’ve lost the sense of preciousness of information because of its accessibility.

Which, don’t get me wrong, is an overall positive. We shouldn’t gate-keep information.

But I think the practice of going to a space of knowledge, understanding that there is a finite amount of time in this space, and being able to sit and focus with this privileged information makes you appreciate it more. There’s a preciousness to it that people of the past did not have. There’s a sense of iteration and progress in humankind’s growth. And there’s knowledge for subjects galore.

It is the subreddit before reddit existed.

And it’s a great place to glean information on topics you are inept at.

I regularly visit the library to look at photography resources.

To look at photobooks of famous photographers, to view certain styles of photography, to understand light or composition or even to get inspiration for instagram worthy posts, the library has an abundance of resources.

Whenever I go to the library, I am excited to find something to learn, to sit down and focus my attention on growing.

And knowing that others around me are likewise in their own world’s and on their own main character plotline paths, doing the same, is inspiring.

Nowadays, the library is so much more than just books. They have expanded as their community needs and technology has improved. Audiobooks and e-Reader books are a thing now.

Borrowing musical instruments and video games? Also a thing.

What about a whole green screen and VFX studio or recording studio? Also a thing.

The library is an enormously helpful and productive space that can sometimes also be a sanctuary for your mental, professional, and personal growth.

Nothing profound or major with this post.

Just a reminder to visit your local library. It’s a great place to work at, might have a book or two about an interest of yours, and can put you into the mood to buckle down and focus for a bit.


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