Say Your Goals Out Loud

Speaking Up To Yourself - An Authentic Conversation

Give voice to your goals out loud.

No one has to be there. No one else has to hear.

It can just be you, the computer, and the imaginary voice you are reading this text aloud in your head with.

But I think there is value in hearing yourself describe, state, express what you want.

Use this blog post as permission to do so.

Your parents aren’t reading this.

Your partner isn’t reading this.

Your teacher isn’t. Your best friend isn’t.

No one is here but you.

Voicing one’s goals aloud is something I believe you need to do to truly have an honest and authentic introspective moment.

It can certainly feel silly to talk to yourself but the mindset shift it can bring is monumental.

Story Time - A Personal Anecdote

For me, I reflect fondly on a decision I made clear to myself to apply for the International Baccalaureate Program.

This was a decision I made in Grade 8 entering high school.

At the time, there were few schools that veered beyond academic and applied streams. Nowadays there’s e-Learning programs, AP programs and all the rest.

But I remember wanting to apply and being questioned whether I was ready, able, or intelligent enough to succeed in the program.

I had to have a frank and open conversation with myself about whether I was capable.

As a Grade 8 student, how the hell would I know if I’m ‘ready’?

Heck, even as a 32 year old now, how the hell do I know if I’m ‘ready’ for anything else in my life - a kid, a dog, a larger mortgage, a career change, a leadership promotion?

But I remember making a conscious effort and talking aloud about my choice.

I didn’t know it at the time, but I remember having to speak with my French teacher to discuss why I should be allowed to apply and how I would succeed (I needed teachers to give their approval).

That act of saying out loud what I wanted to do and my goal made it real for me.

The Consequences - Good & Bad

What’s the point in saying your goals or intentions aloud? After all, if you think it, what’s the difference keeping it in your head versus putting it to speech.

Well, it can be one of the first steps to self-belief. It can also be one of the first steps to figuring out if you are full of it and don’t actually believe.

To me, I use it as a barometer for what I want and what I believe I can accomplish. I know myself and I know deep down when I’m bullshitting myself or if I believe. It’s harder sometimes to see or know it in other people but for yourself, you can know deep down.

I know when I can’t do something but if I committed enough time, I could eventually accomplish it.

I also know when I can’t do something and no amount of self-discipline or banging my head against a wall in persistence won’t accomplish anything.

To me, it’s a way to evaluate whether I can commit to a goal or if I’m flip-flopping.

Again, no one else has to be in the room to hear you. No one else is going to think of you as a liar, a fraud, a loser, a delusional or an unrealistic person.

Stop with the negative thoughts but be realistic about whether your actions can match your words.

This is just about you and yourself.

The reason it’s important to say it aloud is because it holds you accountable. You aren’t just thinking. You’ve made things real by putting audible words into the air.

On the one hand, saying things aloud can help you realize how delusional you are, and how dissociated your words are from your actions.

On the other hand, talking about it to yourself will also inject clarity, boost creativity and stimulate productivity.

You know how the best way to gauge whether you know something is to try to explain it to someone else?

The reason is talking aloud forces you to organize your thoughts, your delivery, your rationale, and your understanding.

Talking to yourself about your goals does the same thing - except the audience is you.

It can help you make difficult decisions, substantiate important information, prioritize your focus and clarify your workflow to limit distractions.

So Talk It Through

Your voice has power.

And its power, believe it or not, impacts others but more importantly - yourself.

Speaking your truth, owning it authentically and being open to how that organizes your thoughts can give you clarity and an appreciation for your own aspirations.


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Niksen - The Art of Doing Nothing