Life and Productivity: A Hike Worth Taking

In the grand scheme of life, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. We measure success by traditional standards - the job titles we hold, the money we make, the accolades we receive. But what if we were to change our perspective? What if we approached life and productivity as we would a hike?

It’s an idea worth exploring because I think it shifts our perspective and outlook on the world and our place in it.

Imagine life as a vast mountain range, and each one of us is embarking on our own unique hike. The terrain is as diverse as the paths we choose, and the journey is filled with ups and downs. No one path is better than another. Each is simply its own path. Sometimes these hikes intertwine or join briefly before splitting again.

Each hiking trail is separate and distinct for each person. No one is competing against one another.

No one thinks, "I'm better at hiking than you."

No one thinks, “I handled those challenging switchbacks better or more efficiently than you.”

No one thinks, “I have better gear than you.”

Similarly, no one thinks, "I got up my hike better than you, therefore I am more accomplished than you."

Each person's path is unique, with its own set of challenges and triumphs.


We all can sympathize about the similar challenges during hikes. We can all recognize and appreciate similar experiences on low points and high points but they are never exactly the same.

Just as a hiker revels in reaching a breathtaking vista or overcoming a challenging ascent, we should celebrate our individual accomplishments in life. It's not about being better than someone else; it's about being the best version of ourselves.

In the hiking analogy, no one thinks, "I worked harder to hike than you." Life is not a measure of who put in the most effort or who endured the most hardships. Success isn't solely determined by the sweat and toil we put into our endeavors. It's about the journey itself, the lessons learned along the way, and the growth we experience.

As you embark on this metaphorical hike of life, you'll find that you're not alone. You'll encounter fellow hikers who share similar interests and passions. These are the people who will walk alongside you, supporting you through the steep climbs and treacherous descents. Just as in life, you go with those who are interested in the same journey, and you travel the mountain at your own pace.

Crucially, you support each other, wait for each other, and enjoy each other's company as you climb. In life, we should strive to do the same. Lift each other up, lend a helping hand when needed, and take joy in the camaraderie of the journey. From a productivity standpoint, that means not gatekeeping, providing mentorship and advice to others a few steps behind you, and recognizing that it’s not a race.

So, the next time you find yourself comparing your life's journey to someone else's, remember the metaphor of the hike. Understand that everyone has their own path, their own journey to worry about, and their own journey to enjoy. There is no need to compete because, in the end, there is no comparison between individuals climbing the hike. Instead, focus on your progress, your growth, and the beauty of the journey itself. Learn to enjoy overcoming your own struggles. Only look at others’ progress to make sure they’re doing okay. After all, in life as in hiking, the most fulfilling rewards are often found along the way, not at the summit.

Sure, the peak offers a view of all that you’ve overcome, but you go on the hike to do the hike, not simply see the peak.


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