Is It Worth It To You?

Ask yourself the question, “Is It Worth It To You?”

Whenever, I question starting a new endeavour, committing myself to something else, or investing in a new hobby or interest, I try to have a discussion with myself about what I’m getting into.

It’s such a personal question about whether you value the activity enough but it’s worth asking for everything you do.

For me, fancy food or labours of love food is not worth it on the weekdays. I just want a meal that gives me the nutrients and vitamins I need to survive. On the weekend, that’s when food is worth enjoying.

For me, watching most TV shows is not worth it. I’ll watch a few shows for dinner to spend quality time with my wife but sitting and watching television in the middle of the day on a weekend is not worth my time.

For every endeavour I try, I think about whether it’s worth it to me.

Does it bring me joy?

Am I growing and learning something?

Am I scratching an itch in my life that I previously couldn’t scratch or reliably can scratch?

I like intentionally identifying things into these categorizes to recognize and identify for myself my priorities. When I’m level headed, rested, and having an honest discussion with myself, I can better identify what I truly want to do by myself.

We live in a world of abundance. There are so many opportunities and so many options. And it is great. I’m forever grateful to the life opportunities I have.

The only caveat is understanding that options can lead to analysis paralysis, listlessness and wandering.

Sure, we can hang out at the mall. Sure, we can go to the movies. Sure, we can go for bubble tea. Sure, we can stay home and watch Netflix. Sure, we can surf the internet for hours and hours. There are too many activities I can do in a day that if I’m not particular about and choosey about what I spend my time doing, I can find myself negatively judging my day’s activities for how I spent my day.

Why did I spend my day lounging around the house instead of practicing street photography outside for 2 hours? Instead I just watched youtube at home!

It’s only when I sit down and write out what things I actually want to learn and do, that I can more clearly say, “No. I’d prefer to do X instead”.

I think that’s the only way I can keep myself mentally accountable for my actions.

Because in the moment, especially in moments of vulnerability when you’re tired/cold/hungry/bored/distractible, there is always something more comfortable, more relaxing to do.

But what would your rested, disciplined, attentive self want to do?

They would want to do the things on your list. The things you want to do.

So…Is It Worth It To You? What you’re doing right now?


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