Happy Holidays - Emphasis on Happy.

Typically, there is an expectation that things wind down with the holiday season.

Businesses close (with the exception of direct-to-consumer brands).

Holiday season means vacation time which means significant business activity slows down.

If you work an office job or in public service, then things slow to a halt.

But you also don’t necessary need to feel the pressure of others to slow down.

This is also a perfectly good and appropriate time to ramp up. You can ramp up your work productivity while others slow down. You are allowed to be different. To not feel the need to slowdown. You can work twice as hard if you feel like you’re in a groove.

Sometimes, I feel the pressure to stop or cease or slow down because everyone else is; that it’s weird to want to work just as hard.

Or to redirect your time and effort towards soemthing that you didn’t have time to focus on during the regular work season.

But I think it’s important to normalize the idea that it’s okay to keep working if it makes you happy.

It’s okay to like working.

It’s okay to like spending a weekend at the coffee shop to work on passion projects or work projects.

And I want to make it clear that I’m not condoning hustle culture or breaking your back for your boss. I’m talking about passion projects that you are intrinsically passionate and motivated to complete yourself. I’m talking about the idea that you don’t need to necessarily sit on the couch and watch Christmas tv shows if that’s not your thing.

For many people, it is their thing and that’s great! Keep doing it. I’m referring to the people who enjoy their passion projects, and although they borderline fit with work, are things you are intrinsically happy and motivated to pursue, you are allowed to do those too!

So that’s what I’m doing today. It’s okay that your coworkers don’t understand that interest of yours. It’s okay that your friends dont.

Eventually you will find people to surround yourself with that also appreciate and embrace that lifestyle that you have. You will find people who are equally motivated, enjoy the self-improvement, and recognize the commitment you have to pursuing your passions.

My wife does and I’m forever grateful for that.

She is literally sitting beside me working on herself and her work.

She could very well rest and relax at home but she chose to sit beside me at a coffee shop and work on her projects and goals herself.

Because she knows I like doing this and I feel encouraged that she can do the same.

In fact, it propels me to do more myself because I see her working on herself and her goals. It encourages me to contiunue to improve on myself.

So happy holidays to you! Emphasis on happy. Do what makes you happy even if the world doesn’t understand.

I hope you thoroughly enjoy your holiday season with the people you love.


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