Happiness and Productivity

What I Like.

So, today’s topic is happiness and where that fits into productivity. The way my brain works, I notice all the inefficiencies and areas for improvement.

It’s just what I like to think about and do.

Today, while grocery shopping with my wife and her family, I was already seeking the faster cashier to efficiently save time on paying while they were still discussing if there was anything else to buy.

For me, I enjoy and take pleasure in being productive and being efficient.

I like to go to bed knowing I made the most with my time today. That I took the best route. That I streamlined a process.

Now, “making the most” becomes a philosophical question about what you value and it certainly becomes a question highly dependent to your individual situation but I think it is a worthwhile exercise to explore and consciously contemplate.

What does making the most of your day look like?

What does making the most of your year look like?

What does making the most of your life look like?

Personally, as long as the health and safety of my family and friends is good, I enjoy using my brainpower and critical thinking to make work more efficient, generate creative solutions and answer complex questions. I enjoy being a role model, helper, leader, facilitator, educator, listener, follower, and whatever else my job needs me to be.

But Do I Actually Like It?

I am learning that not all people think that way.

Not all people want to be productive 24/7, to optimize their every waking moment, and some people don’t even have a second thought about proficiency because they’re simply enjoying the moment for what it’s worth.

Not all people see work as fun, or exciting, or something they want to do.

Not all people think in terms of optimizing efficiency, doing things faster, finding a better way.

That is totally okay and acceptable, but my mind always goes into problem-solving mode.

Why do they not like their job?

What can they control to make their job experience more enjoyable?

Why do I feel so differently or don’t seem to have these doubts or concerns?

Do I even actually like work myself?

I mean...I am trying to create a productivity blog space and write posts every Sunday.

Is that a big enough sign that I enjoy this stuff? (really, let me know what you think?)

But Do I Really? Maybe I’m Just Brainwashed.

Whether it is through TikTok, Reddit, Youtube, Books, or any other content medium, there is always an anti-work or anti-hustle group that raises genuine concerns about the capitalistic North American glorification of work.

I mean, there’s so many concerns already in North America with the idea of a liveable wage while simultaneously celebrating individuals who have enough capital to shoot themselves into space for fun.

Am I just brainwashed by The Man to think that I want this? I’ve just been so incepted that I cannot even see that isn’t my own thinking?

How does one tell whether you enjoy that existence?

I think it becomes a very personal discussion with yourself about whether you enjoy work.

I certainly acknowledge that I enjoy work more than your average person. I enjoy feeling accomplished over relaxed and enjoy feeling busy rather than free.

So...What Is the Alternative?

Would I be happier on the beach relaxing? Probably not. I’ve tried going to an all-inclusive resort with friends. Although fun, I felt restless with the lack of a schedule or list of things to accomplish.

Would I be happier with a less stressful job doing something monotonous or less engaging but getting paid the same amount? Probably not. Although I would love the idea of being paid the same for doing less work, I would want to use the time and mental energy saved to tackle even more or different problems. I wouldn’t enjoy settling into the role and accepting inefficiencies. Therefore, I’d seek out more authority or decision-making power to make those fixes and changes.

Is there something else that I’d prefer to do that would be equally challenging, pay me more and have less work? I personally see that possibility in entrepreneurship - first working harder and then once systems are in place and the right staff are hired to support the day-to-day, imagine the workload to be reduced.

So that’s why I’m trying this blog, trying to be comfortable with posting about my life and my interests, trying to see what resonates with me and whether it resonates with others.

Maybe 10 years down the road, it may become something bigger, but for now, it’s something that makes me feel a little more productive.




The Instant-Gratification Monkey 🐒